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Updated: Jan 13, 2020


Gaa-aanjibii’ang Binesi bi dagoshin

1. Megwaa baabimosed aw Nenaboozhoo o gii-waabamaan ma’iinganan bimibatoonid.

While walking about Nenabozho saw wolves running.

2. Mii-dash gaa-izhi biibaagimaad gii-inaad “Bekaa bi-izhaayok”!

So, then he shouted out to them, he said to them; “Wait for me!”

3. Mii-dash geget ma’iinganag gaa-izhi bii’aawaad.

So, then the wolves waited for him.

4. Ba-dagwishing dash o’ow odinaan “Aaniindi ezhaayeg?”

When he arrived, he said to them: “Where are you all going?”

5. Igiw dash ma’iinganag ikidowag: “ni-babaagiiyosemin. Nenabozho dash odinaan: “Daga giga-babaa-wiijii’wininim.”

The wolves answered: “We are hunting. Then Nenabozho said to them: “Please, let me come with you all.”

6. Odigoon dash: “Gaawiin gidaa bii’isiimin. O’ow dash odinaan: “Daga goda izhi’ishig gaye niin iw dibishkoo ezhinaagoziyeg.

He was told by them: “You won’t be able to keep up with us.” But he says to them: “Please, make me look the same as you guys look.”

7. Odigoon dash: “Gaawiin nindaa gashkitoosiimin.” Aw dash Nenaboozhoo gaawiin gii-bizaanabisii biinish gii-izhi’igod.

He was told: “We won’t be able to do that.” But Nenaboozhoo did not sit quietly until he was transformed.

8. Mii-dash gaa-izhi maajaawaad. Mii-dash zhigwa eni-ziigwaninig, mii-zhigwa gii-igod iniw akiiwenzii-ma’iinganan: “Nindawaa ambe giga-bakewinigoo. Bezhig dash aw gidoozhim giga-nagadamoon aw igo netaa-giiyosed.”

Then they left. Then when it was towards spring the old man wolf says: “I would rather we leave you now, but we will leave you with one who will be your nephew the good hunter.”

9. Mii-dash igo gaa-izhi-minwendang. Aaniish mii imaa eyindaawaad a’aw Nenaboozhoo iniw odoozhiman zhayigwa go ani-ziigwaninaagwadini.

Then Nenaboozhoo was satisfied. Then during the time that Nenabozho and the wolf were living there it was getting to be spring.

10. Geget giiwehn gotaamigoziwan iniw odoozhiman. Ningoding sa go giiwehn nibaad obawaanaan odaapinigonid odoozhiman manidoon.

His nephew was a formidable hunter indeed. Once, while sleeping, Nenabozho dreamnt his nephew was taken away by supernatural beings.

11. Mii sa go giiwehn iw nibaad mawid, mii iw enwed…Aano-amajwebinigod giiwehn iniw odoozhiman mii sa gaawiin odamaji’igosii baanimaa giiwehn bijiinag wiikaa.

Then he cried in his sleep, making a noise like this…to no avail his nephew tried to shake him awake he could not wake him for a long time.

12. “Ambe sanoo gego wiikaa izhi-aazhawi-gwaashkwaniken ningoji ziibiwiseiwaagamigak akawe booch mitigoons apagidan.”

I hope that you never jump across anything like a stream. It is necessary to throw a stick down.

13. “Mii-dash bijiinag ji-aazhawigwaashkwaniyan misawaa go agaawa ziibiwise-iwaagamigak mii-booch akawe iw izhichigen!”

Not until then you may jump across but be sure to do it first even when it hardly looks like a stream.

14. Mii sa giiwehn zhigwa maajinizha’waad waawaashkeshiwan. Mii go zhigwa giiwehn gegaa debaamaad mii imaa waabandang ziibiiwise-iwaamigaanig. “Ambe sanoo maano” inendam giiwehn namanaa zhigwa gegaa nindebamaa.

Shortly afterward (the wolf) chased after the deer. When he was about to strike (lit. to reach him with his mouth) he saw something looking like a stream. Oh, c’mon im about to reach him, anyway.

15. Mii sa ezhi-ombibizod aazhawigwaashkwanid wenjida go giiwehn nawagaam ziibing bangishin. Aaniish mii sa zhigwa gii-odaapinigod. Mii sa Nenaboozhoo gaa-izhi maadaanaad odoozhiman gaa-nikanendinid.

Then as he jumped up to jump across, he fell right in the middle of the stream. So, then he was taken. Nenaboozhoo followed the tracks of his nephew after his nephew had been gone all night.

16. Aaniish mii-dash gii-pakobii’aanaad ziibing. Mii-dash miinawaa imaa gii-mawid gaye miziwe gii-pabaa-maadademod bagwaj. Gaawiin gii-kiiwesi.

So, he tracked him as far as the water. Then he cried again and went about everywhere crying, in the wilderness. He didn’t go home.

17. Ningoji dash ogii-waabamaan ogiishkimanisiin namadabinid nibiikaang gagaana inaabinid. Mii-dash besho eni-ayaad waa-izhi debibinaad obishigobinaan dash inaad ningii-gagwaanisagenimaa wa’aw awegonen o’ow genawaabandang.

And somewhere he saw the Kingfisher sitting in the water and looking steadily at something. Then as he came near and tried to catch him, he missed him and he said to him: I abhorred him, this one! What is he looking at?

18. Mii dash iw wenji-niiskaakondibed a’aw ogiishkimanisi iw gaa-ipinaad. EEEEEE Nenaboozhoo, nii wii waawiindamawaaban wiin.

The reason that the kingfisher’s feathers are standing straight up is that Nenaboozhoo got ahold of him “Oh! Its Nenaboozhoo! I wanted to tell him something.”

19. “Haaw goda! Nishiim wiindamawishin! Meshkwad ji-bishigendaagoziyan giga-izhi’in.” “Ninganawaabamaa sa a’aw gidoozhim amond mii wenji-inaabiyaan.”

All right! My little brother tells me! In exchange I will make you magnificent.” I am looking at your nephew who is being eaten, the Kingfisher said, that is why I am looking.

20. Giga gikinoo’amoon iw imaa gezhaategin agwaataawaad igiw manidoog naawayi’ii dash mii imaa iko zhingishing aw ogiimaa mii aw gaa-odaapinaad. Mii sa gaa-izhi maajaad.

I shall teach you this: when it is a warm day these supernatural beings leave the water and then the chief is usually laying there in the middle, that is the one who took him. Then he left.

21. Nenaboozhoo gii-awi-giishkanakadogaazod imaa ko agwaataanid. Getenaagwad igo giiwehn aapiji i’iw giishkanakad iw gaa-izhinaagwak. Zhigwa sa giiwehn eni-aabaatenig geget zhigwa gaa-gizhibaajiwaninig nibi.

Nenabozho transformed himself into a stump on the spot where the beings came ashore. The stump looked old. Thenas it was getting warm the watewr really started whirling around.

22. Aaniish mii sa zhigwa agwaa’oodewaad mishi-ginebigoog gaye makwag anooj sa go endanakiijig nibiikaang.

Then immediately big snakes began to crawl ashore also bears all kind that live in the water.

23. Zhigwa sa giiwehn gaye wiin mookiise mii iwidi naawij endazhi-zhaagwenimod wii-agwaataad aw gaa-odaapinaad. Geget sa bishigendaagozi gooning izhinaagozi.

Then the one who had taken the wolf came up in the middle of the lake, as he was afraid to come ashore. He was very magnificent, he looked like snow.

24. Omayaginaanaawaa giiwehn iw giishkanakad imaa bedakidenig mii-wenji-zhaagwenimod gaawiin daswegamig izhiwebizisii aw Nenaboozhoo.

It looked strange to them, that stump that was standing there that’s why he was a little suspicious.

Nenabozho has all kinds of tricks, this is not his real shape he thought.

25. Gayat gosha niin igo niwaabandaanaaban ikidowag giiwehn aanind dash: “Gaawiin niin wiikaa ningii-waabandanzii.

I used to see it formerly, (some of them said) and others: I never saw it.

26. “Daga mishi ginebig awi-maagwaako’an!” Abaapiniziwaagan giiwehn inendam Nenaboozhoo. Mii sa gaa-izhi-ditibaako’ang iw giishkanakad mii sa ezhi-maagwaabiigitaad.

Please big snake goes and press on it! Good gracious! Thought Nenabozho. Then the snake wound his body around the stump several times and pulled himself together.

27. Gegaa go ji-noondaagozid Nenaboozhoo mii-ezhi baagijiitaanid. Maajikamig ina da-izhiwebizi aw Nenaboozhoo gedawiipan.

Nenabozho was just about to yell when he loosened his embrace. It would be too much for Nenabozho to be the stump they said.

28. Daga giin makwa awi-babaazagobidoon! Inaa giiwehn aw makwa. Zhigwa giiwehn biidaasimosewan. Abaapiniziwaagan inendam giiwehn. Aaniish mii sa zhigwa babaazagobidood. Gegaa go ji-mookobinigod mii ezhi booni’igod. Maajiigamig ina da izhiwebizi aw Nenaboozhoo.

C’mon bear! Go and scratch it! The bear was told. Then the bear walked up to him. Oh my! Thought Nenabozho. And then he scratched it. When he was about to make him squeal, he left him alone.

29. Gayat gosha niin iko niminwaabandaanaaban ikidowag giiwehn aanind. Mii sa giiwehn bijiinag agwaataad aw ogiimaa.

“I used to see it, “some of them said. Then finally later the chief came ashore.

30. Aapiji giiwehn naawayi’ii ozhishin imaa ezhishinowaad i’iw abaasandekewaad. Ambesanoo da-wii-boozangwamoog inendam giiwehn Nenaboozhoo.

Where they were lying, sunning themselves, he lay down right in the center. “I wish they would be sound asleep”, thought Nenabozho.

31. Mii sa giiwehn zhigwa ani-babaazhidawaad iniw mishi-ginebigoon. Mii-dash imaa gii-pimo’aad waasepinid iniw ogiimaan.

Then he went stepping over those big snakes. And then he shot the chief with an arrow under his arm.

32. Eeee Nenaboozhoo onisaan ogiimaan. Mii sa zhigwa gii-pabaa-ayaayaad. Mii-dash igo imaa mii-sa gaa-izhi ozhi’aad gichi-biindasaaganan giizhaa go.

Ah! Nenabozho kills the Chief. Now he roamed about. And then there he made a big raft in anticipation.

33. Mii sa zhigwa gii noondawaa giiwehn awiiya bi-nagamonid. Gaa-izhi izhaad. Wegwaagi iniw omakakiimindimooyehnyan wiigobiin giiwehn iniw niibiwa bemoondaminid.

Now he heard someone coming singing. He went to look. Why! That old frog woman with lots of basswood on her back.

34. Aaniin enanokiiyan noko? “Nenabozho ogiimaan ogii-pimo’aan ninanaandomigoo mii aw nenaandawi’ag.

“What is your usual occupation Grandma?” “Nenabozho has shot the chief with an arrow and that’s the one I am to doctor.”

35. “Aaniin noko iko ena’aman apii nanaandawi’iweyan? “Noozhis giin igo gigad aw Nenabozho. Gidawishkwi’ig ina aw Nenabozho giishpin waabamig.”

“What do you usually sing when you doctor?” “Grandchild you might be Nenabozho! Nenabozho will do you all kinds of harm if he sees you.”

36. “Nishkaadiziginiin iw iniw odoozhiman gii-odaapinimind. Mii zhigwa gii-gikinoo’amaagod i’iw ena’aminid iko enigokwaak akii niin bi zhinaawishin niin bi zhinaawishin mii sa go iw ena’amaan.

He is angry because his nephew was taken away. Then she commenced to teach him how she usually sang: “All over the world I am walking rattling, I am walking rattling, this is what I am singing.”

37. “Noozhis Nenabozho owiib ni wiikwikwa’aan”. Mii dash gaa-izhi-niwanawaad.

My grandchild Nenabozho’s arrow Im slowly drawing out by magic.” Then he killed her.

38. Mii dash iw gii-pakonaad wawiinge go miidash i’iw gaa-izhi biizikawaad miidash iw gii-omboondang iniw wiigobiin bemoondaminipan.

Then he skinned her neatly, then he put her skin on, and loaded the bass wood bark on his back she had been carrying.

39. Mii sa zhigwa maajaad ani-nagamod. Aaniish naa noondawaa iwidi. O-bi-nagishkaagoon dash giiwehn abinoojiiyan ginige go ikwezensan.

Then he left singing as he went on. He was heard over there. Then he was approached by some boys and girls.

40. “Izhiwizhishig aw noozhis nenaandawi’ag ninga gibo’abim. Odaataganaabamigoon giiwehn aanind iniw gwiiwizensan “Onabozh odigoon giiwehn odaano-giigenimigoon.

“Take me along, my grandchild I am the one who is going to doctor him my eyes are swollen with crying. Some of the boys said to him: “Onabozh; they knew him a little.

41. Ninga nizhikewabi go iw ji-nanaandawi’ag noozhis. Mii giiwehn imaa gibiskwaande’igewind iniw odoozhimiwayaanan.

I shall stay here to doctor him! There on the door was Nenabozhos nephew hide blocking/covering it.

42. Ani-jiibidooneni giiwehn ani-ojiimaad. Mii sa zhigwa gaa-izhi shishigwena’waad iw wiib. Mii dash gii-nisaad. Mii dash gii-ozhimod gaye ogii-anibaakibiinaan iniw odoozhimiwayaanan, gaye gii-anikaakaakikibinaad iniw omakakiwayaanan.

He puckered his lips as if to kiss him. Then he mutilated him internally with an arrow. That would kill him. Then he ran away and he also tore his nephew’s hide off the door, and he unveiled the sewing of the frogskin.

43. Eeee Nenabozho. Mii sa gii pi aabijiipinaad ogiimaan. Mii zhigwa gii-mookitawaad iniw obiindasaaganan.

Ah! Nenabozho. So, he went and finished off the chief. Now he went running to his raft.

44. Mii-dash igo ishkweyaang gaa-ani danizimagak iw nibi gii-mooshka’ang miziwe akiing biinish igo gaawiin gizaaganagibisiwag mitigoog.

And just behind him the water followed, flowing all over the world till they could not see the treetops.

45. Miidash gakina awiiya ogii-naadadaganotaagon. Iniw manidoowensan wazhashkwan, amikwan nigigwan maangwan.

Then everyone all came swimming towards him. Those fur animals, muskrats, beavers, otters, loons.

47. Gakina go igiw zhezhibanaabawejig gaye dash igo anooj bakaan manidoowensan. Mii zhigwa gipaabowedaanaad iniw odoozhiman.

All those who could stand long diving and all different kinds of fur animals. Now he breathed on his nephew.

48. Miidash iw gii-pimaaji’aad dibishkoo go apane ezhinaagoziniban. “Ambe nishiimedok naadisk akii owidi anaamibiig awegwen igo aw ge-gashkitoogwen.”

Then he brought him back to life and his nephew looking the same as before. “Come on my younger brothers fetch the earth underwater, whoever will be able to do it.”

49. Aaniish miidash aw nitam amik gaa-googiid. Gaawiin ogii-oditanziin iw akii. Mii gaa-izhi nibwanaabaawed. Miidash gii-mooshka’aagonjised.

So, then the beaver dove first. He couldn’t reach the earth. Then he was drowned. Afterwards he appeared on the surface of the water.

50. Miidash gaa-izhi baabowedaanaad gii-bimaaji’aad odaano-gii babaakininjiibinaan gaye akii genandawaabandang.

Then Nenabozho brought him back to life by breathing on him, opened his hands and looked for earth.

51. Aaniish mii sa go gaawiin gegoo. Mii sa miinawaa Nigig aano-gii izhi googiid. Mii naasab gaye wiin gaa-izhiwebizid dibishkoo aw amik. Miinawaa aw maang aano gii-izhi googiid. Mii dibishkoo gaye win gaa-izhiwebizid dibishkoo aw amik. Mii sa dash eta aw wazhashk bebaa wewebaanowebagizod giiwehn babaa-noondaagozi iw gaye babaamaadagaad.

Then of course there was nothing. Then again, the otter tried to dive but he fared like the beaver. Then the loon tried to dive. Just like the beaver the same thing happened to him. Then at last it was just the muskrat he was waving his tail and going noisily about and swimming around.

52. Ziibiskaaj igo giiwehn ani-odaanowese. Mii sa apane. Zhigwa sa giiwehn owaabandaan ozhaawashkwaanamikaanig. Mii go giiwehn zhigwa gibwanaabaawed mii zhigwa debibidoogobanen iw akii apane go ganaakinigegobanen mii sa izhi gibwanaabaawed.

Finally, his tail slowly disappeared. Then he was gone. Now he saw the greenish looking bottom. When he was about to be drowned, he reached the bottom and just when he was grabbing it, he drowned.

53. Aaniish mii zhigwa gaa-mooshka’agwinjisenid aw Nenabozho babaagininjiibinaagobanen. Geget giiwehn bangii akii ogii-dakonaamini.

When he came to the surface of the water Nenabozho opened his hands. Truly he had a little earth in his hand.

54. Miidash gaa-izhi zhingadenang iw akii. Miidash igo eni-baatenig mii go gii-ani maajiigininig eshkam. Mii sa zhigwa eni-michaanig iw akii gaa-izhi inaad iniw odoozhiman: “Daga giiwitaabatwaadan o’ow akii.”

Then he spread out the earth. While drying it grew little by little. When the earth had finally grown big Nenabozho said to his nephew: “Please, run around the earth.”

55. Ajina dash igo gii-ondendiwan. Gii-ikido dash: “onzaam da agaasaa.” Gomaa dash igo minawaa apii haaw daga minawaa. Mii sa minawaa gaa-izhi maajaad a’aw ma’iingan. Gaawiin dash gii-dagwishinzii gii-noonde gawigiikaa jibwaa dagoshing gii-aapidendi. Aaniish mii sa dash iw zhigwa gii-pabaa-ayizhaad anooj a’aw Nenabozho.

Only a little while he was gone. And Nenabozho said: It would be too small if I left it like this. After a while he said: “Well! Again please! So, the wolf went again. And he did not come back: he grew old and died before he could arrive; he went for ever. So now Nenabozho went roaming about everywhere.

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