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Gii-giikaandiwaad waabooz miinawaa aandeg.

Updated: Nov 25, 2018

Story by Anna C. Gibbs/ Waasabiikwe winter 2016

retranscribed by Zac Binesi Dagoshin winter 2018

1. Aabiding Waabooz miinawaa Aandeg gii-giikaandiwaad* awegwen nawaj wiin ezhi mashkawaadiziigwen.

One time the rabbit and crow were arguing about who was stronger.

2. Mii-dash awe waabooz enaad aandegwan: "Ni mino-doodawaa anishinaabe. Nid ashamaa." ikido waabooz. " Nid ashamaa ni-wiiyaasim."

So then the Rabbit told the crow: " I treat the Indian good. I feed him/her", says the Rabbit. "I feed him/her my meat."

3."Ni bashkwegin gaye odoozhitoonaawaan waaboowayaanan miinawaa minjikaawanan miinawaa babiizikawaaganan. Ni-giizhoo'aag."

They also make blankets, gloves and coats out of my leather. I keep them warm."

4."Giin dash wiin eta go gi miikinji'aag." odinaan aandegwan.

"But you on the other hand only tease them." he says to the crow.

5. Miish iwe ekidod Aandeg: " Ni mino-doodawaa gaye niin Anishinaabe." ikido aandeg.

Then this is what the crow said: " I am good to the Indian also," says the crow.

6. Ni nagamotawaag apane, ni amaji'aag endaso-gigizhebaawagadinig ji-niibaasigwaa gabe giizhig.

"I sing for them all the time, I wake them up every morning so they don't sleep all day.

7. "Apane ni naagoz, ni makadew gaye. Gaawiin wiikaa ni maajiisesiin zhaawanong."

"I'm always noticed, I'm black too. I never fly south."

8. Aabiding gegoo gii-atemagadinig imaa mitakamig. Waabooz gii-niibawi-ayaad namanjinik awedi dash aandeg gii-niibawi-ayaad onjinik.

This one time there was something on the ground. Rabbit was standing on the left of it and the crow was standing on the right.

9. Memeshkwaj ganawaabandiwaad gegapii aandeg gii-gwaashkwani naawayi'ii mitakamig danajiged pakikii'iged.

They were looking back and forth at each other; all of a sudden the crow jumped in the middle pecking the ground.

10. Waabooz ganawaabamaad aandegwan eta go. Gegapii waabooz gaye wiin gwaagwaashkwanid naawayi'ii miijid gegoo imaa mitakamig.

The rabbit just watched the crow then all of a sudden the rabbit jumped in between to eat something on the ground.

11. Aandeg gii-ishkweyaang gwaashkwanid ganawaabamaad waaboozoon wiisininid. Gabe ayi'ii memeshkwaj-doodamowaad.

The crow jumped back as he watched the rabbit eating, they did this back and forth for a long time.

12. Gegapii aandeg gii-pazikwa'o, gaa-izhi booniid oshtigwaanining aniwen waaboozoon.

Then suddenly the crow jumped up and flew up and landed on the rabbits head.

13. Waabooz gaye wiin gaa-izhi gwaashkwanid gaa-izhi dakwamaad onashkidining aandegwan. Ogii takwamaan omiigwanimini.

The Rabbit also jumped up then he bit the tail of the crow. He bit his feathers.

14. Mii-sa gii ani-maajiised ani-baapid gii-pakwanjisenig onashkid awe aandeg.

So finally the crow started off flying as he was laughing without a tail.

15. Aandeg gakina ogii-miijinan miinikaanan.

The crow ate all of the seeds.

16. Mii iwe gaa-onji miigaadiwaad miinikaanan etegin imaa mitakamig.

That's what they were fighting about the seeds there on the ground.

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